Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ramu and Somu

Ramu : I am very very sure that the guy who just talked to me is a software engineer...

Somu : how do u say that?

Ramu : he asked my physical address instead of my home address!

Ramu : shhhh...I think the SW Engg who is sitting in the next cabin must be a farmer before ...

Somu : How do u know...?

Ramu : he asked me today that is there a way to cultivate the bit fields..!!

Computer : Please sit over the hard disk to compress the files!

Computer : please pour Engine oil in the floppy drive to enhance the performance of Search Engine.

Ramu : why people are beating that SW engg black and blue?

Somu : it seems, he asked one of them that whether "vante mataram" is new kind of RAM in the market!

Ramu : Hey.. I think that SW Engg is very very naive..

Somu : How do u say that?

Ramu : He believes that there is an Arabian Sea++ next to Arabin Sea.

Ramu : Hey.... whats time now?

Somu : System time or local time...??

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